Month: August 2022

What benefits does Heartbeat Monitoring provide?What benefits does Heartbeat Monitoring provide?

Heartbeat Monitoring – What does it imply?

A Heartbeat Monitoring (Cron Job Monitoring) is a periodic signal produced by hardware or software to signal regular operation or synchronize other computer system components in computer science. The heartbeat mechanism is one of the often used methods in mission-critical systems for ensuring high availability and fault tolerance of network services by identifying network or system faults.

In addition to guaranteeing their functionality, you’ll almost probably need to monitor their availability and response times when you build a service and publish a set of endpoints to give API access to that service. Heartbeat Monitoring lets you continuously monitor your services to accurately identify when “something is down” or just “not performing.” It is a tried-and-true method of regularly informing a remote monitoring service about the heartbeats of a device or software system to track its health.

Heartbeat Monitoring – How does it work?


Anycast DNS – 3 Reasons why you should choose itAnycast DNS – 3 Reasons why you should choose it

Anycast DNS is a really useful service that can help your business. It makes surfing the web much faster and more efficient. So, let’s explore that a little more.

Anycast DNS – detailed explanation

Most DNS providers provide Anycast DNS service as an optional feature. It is a helpful tool for traffic routing that allows websites to provide content rapidly. This is made feasible by the multiple nameservers that store a specific identical IP address.
