Category: Network

Multicast vs. Broadcast vs. Anycast vs. UnicastMulticast vs. Broadcast vs. Anycast vs. Unicast

Four primary types of communication methods are used to handle the distribution of data packets across networks: Multicast, Broadcast, Anycast, and Unicast. Each method has its unique characteristics, advantages, and use cases. Today, we will explore these methods, providing a clear understanding of how they function and where they are best applied.


Guide to IPv4 – Most Popular Internet ProtocolGuide to IPv4 – Most Popular Internet Protocol

In the intricate web of the digital universe, communication is key. At the heart of this communication lies a fundamental protocol that governs how data is transmitted over networks: Internet Protocol, or IP. Among the various iterations of IP, IPv4 stands out as the most prevalent and widely used version. In this guide, we delve into the workings of this protocol, exploring its significance, functionalities, and challenges in today’s internet landscape.

Understanding IPv4

IPv4, short for Internet Protocol version 4, serves as the cornerstone of modern networking. It provides a set of rules to enable devices to communicate with each other over the internet. Each device connected to the internet is assigned a unique IPv4 address, which acts as its identifier. These addresses are 32-bit numerical values, typically expressed in dotted-decimal notation (e.g.,


What benefits does Heartbeat Monitoring provide?What benefits does Heartbeat Monitoring provide?

Heartbeat Monitoring – What does it imply?

A Heartbeat Monitoring (Cron Job Monitoring) is a periodic signal produced by hardware or software to signal regular operation or synchronize other computer system components in computer science. The heartbeat mechanism is one of the often used methods in mission-critical systems for ensuring high availability and fault tolerance of network services by identifying network or system faults.

In addition to guaranteeing their functionality, you’ll almost probably need to monitor their availability and response times when you build a service and publish a set of endpoints to give API access to that service. Heartbeat Monitoring lets you continuously monitor your services to accurately identify when “something is down” or just “not performing.” It is a tried-and-true method of regularly informing a remote monitoring service about the heartbeats of a device or software system to track its health.

Heartbeat Monitoring – How does it work?


What does DNS downtime mean?What does DNS downtime mean?

What does DNS downtime mean? 

DNS downtime, also known as DNS outage, is the time during which the DNS is unavailable. You already know how important the resolution procedure is for gaining access to your domain name. The procedure of translating it to its IP address will be impossible if DNS fails. As a result, your website will be unable to be found, and its content will be unavailable.


CDN – What is it and how does it work?CDN – What is it and how does it work?

CDN – definition

The term CDN refers to a “content delivery network.” It’s a network of servers that spans a large geographic area and has extremely particular server locations. The purpose is to cover the territory from which possible tourists may originate thoroughly. To have servers that cache data (code, photos, movies, and so on) as close to visitors as possible. Visitors will receive better and faster service as a result of this. The CDN’s other benefit is load balancing, which reduces the workload on the central server.


Round-Robin DNS – Everything you need to knowRound-Robin DNS – Everything you need to know

What is Round-Robin DNS?

Round-Robin DNS is a mechanism for administrating the incoming traffic. 

This technique is based on the time of arrival of the user request and the actual number of servers that you have. Simply you create several A or AAAA records with different IP addresses (IPv4 and IPv6) that correspond to the multiple servers. Each one of them stores a duplicate of the information for your website. So, whenever a user requests your domain name, the authoritative name server, storing the A or AAAA records, is going to provide the next in rotation turn A or AAAA records from those you created. The users are going to be automatically directed when they are desire to reach your website. The exact moment when they reach your DNS name server is important for the precise order.
